Thursday, April 17, 2008

I want...

I want a house, within an easy commute of downtown, with 5-10- acres.

I want to put in fruit and nut trees, and have a couple steers, and some goats, possibly even a cow.

I want an old pony for my kids to ride that I can drive.

I want a huge garden where I can put in tons of potatoes and garlic and tomatoes etc etc. So I can can and make my own sauce every summer.

I want to dig a 'root cellar' to age my homemade cheeses and to store the foods I've grown.

I want homemade bread with homemade butter and homemade jam from homemade berries.

I want chickens and geese and turkeys and ducks scattered all over the 'homestead'.

I want my land to have its own well.

I want solar panels.

I want an adobe outdoor tandoori oven.

I'm keeping my incubators, so when we can actually keep geese, I can hatch them myself. This isn't just because I LIKE hatching them-- I have issues with shipping live chicks and the mortality rates, I also don't like the disease issues that come from large hatcheries. So... yeah... I'll continue buying my eggs from small farmers.

I want a heirloom garden-- every single plant from heirloom seeds.

I want heritage stock-- my cows I want to be Kerry.

I want to tell Drew, when he says 'I'm hungry' to go out in the garden where he can grab whatever he wants to eat.

I want to make cider in the fall.

I want to lie under a tree with my kids, a yellow lab nearby, and a couple goats chewing cud, watching us lazily. I want to lean back and see turkey vultures floating high above us.

I want it so much that I can see it-- I can feel the breeze, I can smell the trees. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face and hear the laughter of my children chasing geese.

I want to ride horses with my children... and a hayride in the fall.

I want to share what has been lost-- weaving, crafting, spinning, nourishing, cheesemaking, preserving...

What do you specifically want?


Real said...

Hmmmm, call me a realist, but when you said laying in teh grass under a tree with a dog and a goat nearby, I couldn't help but think about the amount of poop in the grass you were lying in!

MandaMommy said...

That pretty much sums up what I want too, though I haven't gotten as far as deciding what kind of cows I want. Shorter term, I would really just love more dirt to garden with. Oh yeah, and add to yours some water on the land, like a CREEK. (With a clear swimming hole and a nearby tree that has a rope swing to jump into the water with.)